Bat Stew With A Brew by Jonty JagMan And His Crew

Submitted by: Jonathan N.

Original Song

During the first lockdown in April 2020, to help stay connected with family, myself with my 2 daughters set ourselves a challenge to put on a virtual performance. That performance went on to become the song ‘Bat Stew With a Brew’…. a haunting and swinging rap. The song starts with a witch casting a curse creating a monster called Covid from a stew made from bats and bugs. The song goes on to describe how Covid spread rapidly from China bringing pain into the world. The song describes the devastating effects of Government lock down measures as the world entered a health and economic crisis. It describes the boredom of lockdown and the fear of a horrid death. The songs chorus tells you to stay at home, to kick the monster of your street.

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