Summer Hols by Melanie

Submitted by: Callum B.

Original Song

The need to find a hobby during the first lockdown in 2020 found me dusting off my old electric guitar, which hadn’t seen the light of day since my drunken, spazz rock, student days 20 years previously. I started messing about recording riffs, overlaying them on my laptop and then learning to use an old Casio Keyboard that my father in law gave to my kids.
Its been really fun creating novelty music and having absolutely zero ambition, doing it purely for myself and its really worked, being a way to keep creative and helping me stay balanced.
This track really came from a place where I was needing space to breathe and be warm, like that relaxing Summer holiday that we have been yearning for (especially being locked down in Scotland) so its supposed to take you on a bit of a journey.

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