Mug and a Bowl - Socially Distant

Submitted by: Socially D.

This is a song written by the late brother-in-law of Socially Distant band member Fiona.

Tony McCormack was a musician known in and around York. Together with friends Karl Senior and Chris Barnes he wrote this song during a Folk Festival in Robin Hood’s Bay where, fed up with their slovenly kitchen habits a female flatmate stormed out saying she would only wash up her own things in future. The song was written by way of a peace offering.

We understand with some success.

Tony died in early 2020. We recorded this song as a tribute to him in the summer of 2020 when we’d gotten together as a quintet during the gap between Coronavirus lockdowns 1 and 2. The final verse is ours, not in the original. It seemed to make sense.

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