‘IG XI Regeneration’ - Captain K & The XIth Hour Reapers

Submitted by: Danny B.

Original Song

I wrote the lyrics to ‘IG XI Regeneration’ back in 2012 as part of an album called 2K12.. yet to be released. In 2016, my wife Catia (aka Captain K) sung a rendition of it, accompanied by my daughter Lexi aged 7 at the time on keyboard & Paul Griffiths of Guildhall on guitar for the Little Radio Big Barking Project. It was a great experience, celebrating the regeneration of the Gascoigne Estate in Barking. But the meaning of the song is put once again into different context with all the challenges of the present day, as people look forward to the future with the intention to ‘build back better’. A higher quality version of the track is included on a CD that Sound UK produced under the listing ‘Regeneration’ – Baxter Family… but the official title is as written in the Song Title section.

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